Swadhistan Chakra

In Life

How to open the Swadhistan

By manifesting the qualities of our Swadisthan chakra in our daily life, this center can grow stronger, deepening our meditations and making us less susceptible to imbalances. When we neglect this chakra we can become very dry personalities, chasing material desires or getting consumed in our own thoughts.

Tips for improving your Swadisthan chakra:

- Try out a new way of expressing your creativity, without any particular objective other than to simply enjoy. Pick up a pen or a paintbrush, and just see what happens!

- Use your power of pure desire! Try daily, even just for a few minutes, to put your attention on your desire to grow and to know your true self, and watch your superficial desires melt away.

- When you feel that your mind is full of thoughts, laugh it off and remind yourself that you are not in control.

Cleansing Techniques
Foot Soak

Foot Soak

Simple and inexpensive, soaking your feet in saltwater is the daily habit you didn’t know you needed. Imagine standing with your feet in the ocean, letting it soothe your stresses away and calm your mind. Luckily, foot-soaking can also be done in the comfort of your own home!

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Ice on Liver

Ice on Liver

Feeling overworked and exhausted? The liver is like an overheated running engine, constantly working to provide fuel for the brain. Cool your thoughts down by meditating with an ice pack on your liver.

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Shri Mataji's Words

Shri Mataji's Words
Shri Mataji on Swadisthan chakra
Ancient Knowledge

The Vibrations of Sound

Of all the arts, music is probably the most universally appreciated, transcending all human barriers. It is said that music first originated in China, where sages began to contemplate the notes made by the wind whistling through hollow stems of bamboo. Music has the power to very quickly elevate our state and bring tremendous amounts of joy, while dissolving our thoughts.

In Hinduism music is viewed as a gift from the Divine, passed down from the deity Shri Saraswati. Thus the aim of classical Indian music is to bring both the musician and the audience to a higher state, for which students dedicate their whole lives to achieve. It has been studied that the works of Mozart, Bach and Handel can have a great vibrational effect on the central nervous system, which helps to bring one into a meditative state.

Sanskrit had similar beginnings to music as it was formed by saints observing the natural accordance between the energy or vibrations of a particular concept, and the matching sound. Sanskrit is used in Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism as a language of worship as it is seen as having the purest origins and therefore the truest meaning. Like music, through its vibrations, Sanskrit has the power to bring us to a state of thoughtlessness and therefore can be used as a tool for meditation.