Meditations | We Meditate

Guided Meditations

Feel Love |  10 min

Feel Love | 10 min

Remove any blockages in your heart and your mind which may prevent you from naturally feeling love for yourself and others.

Feel Love | 15 min

Feel Love | 15 min

Unconditional love sounds hard, but it’s actually innate to all human beings. Free your mind and feel the love grow within!

Feel Love | 5 min

Feel Love | 5 min

See how just how quickly and easily you can feel a spontaneous flow of love in your heart.

Feel Humble | 5 min

Feel Humble | 5 min

Quickly release any anger by silencing your mind, and experience the soothing bliss of thoughtless awareness.

Feel Humble | 10 min

Feel Humble | 10 min

Keep your mind free and your views balanced by gently bringing down your ego and letting go of your thoughts.

Feel Humble | 15 min

Feel Humble | 15 min

Feel like your mind is often occupied with criticisms, either of yourself or others? Silence those thoughts and experience the deep sense of peace that comes with humility.

Feel Focused | 15 min

Feel Focused | 15 min

Get into the present moment to foster a pure attention which is free from worries of the future or thoughts of the past.

Focus Your Attention | 10 min

Focus Your Attention | 10 min

Soothe your busy mind and detach from negative emotions to free your attention and find focus.

Feel Focused | 5 min

Feel Focused | 5 min

Bring your attention back to the center with a few simple exercises to completely clear your mind.

Feel Joyful | 5 min

Feel Joyful | 5 min

Brighten your day with a burst of spontaneous joy by tapping into the ocean that lies within.

Experience Joy | 10 min

Experience Joy | 10 min

Try out these simple exercises to see how quickly and spontaneously you can feel true joy emanating from within.

Feel Joyful | 15 min

Feel Joyful | 15 min

Beat the blues and cleanse yourself of all negative thoughts and feelings to connect to the natural joy that lies within.

Boost Your Confidence | 10 min

Boost Your Confidence | 10 min

Feel like you’re in need of a pick me up? Banish those negative thoughts which are putting you down and boost your confidence.

Find Confidence Within | 15 min

Find Confidence Within | 15 min

Everything you need to feel fully confident lies within. With just a short meditation you can access it all.

Silence Your Mind | 10 min

Silence Your Mind | 10 min

Bring yourself into the present and connect to the energy all around you by silencing your thoughts.

Silence Your Mind | 15 min

Silence Your Mind | 15 min

Experience complete integration of your whole being and the world around you by allowing your thoughts to dissolve into the silence found within.

Silence Your Mind | 5 min

Silence Your Mind | 5 min

Can't stop thinking? Give your mind a break with this simple meditation.

Feel Harmony | 5 min

Feel Harmony | 5 min

Drive away all negative thoughts and emotions to connect to the essence of yourself and establish harmony within.

Experience Inner Harmony  | 10 min

Experience Inner Harmony | 10 min

Allow your inner energy to cleanse your being of any tensions and blockages within, so that you can experience harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Feel Harmony | 15 min

Feel Harmony | 15 min

Feeling stressed? We've been there. Try this meditations to fine tune your body and mind back to the peaceful wavelength.

Feel Balanced | 15 min

Feel Balanced | 15 min

Feel like you’re often experiencing mood swings? Smooth out those imbalances and find a stable grounding in the center.

Feel More Balanced | 10 min

Feel More Balanced | 10 min

Let go of all negative thoughts and emotions and feel that deep sense of peace that comes with a balanced subtle system.

Find Inner Stability | 5 min

Find Inner Stability | 5 min

Quickly come back to your center with some simple balancing exercises to bring you right into the present moment.

Relax Yourself | 5 min

Relax Yourself | 5 min

Need a brief moment of calm in your busy day? Take a few minutes just for you and experience the silence within.

Feel Calm | 10 min

Feel Calm | 10 min

Sit back, relax, this one’s on us. Switch off your mind and allow your system to reboot with a few moments of complete peace.

Find Inner Peace | 15 min

Find Inner Peace | 15 min

It’s time to wind things down and unload the stresses of the day. Still your mind and experience complete calm within.

Feel Confident | 5 min

Feel Confident | 5 min

Feeling nervous? Banish those butterflies with a quick boost of confidence coming straight from within.

Feel Content | 5 min

Feel Content | 5 min

Quickly relieve those nagging feelings of stress or dissatisfaction with nourishment from your inner energy.

Feel Satisfied | 10 min

Feel Satisfied | 10 min

Feel like you’re always missing something? Tap into your inner sense of satisfaction for complete peace within.

Feel Satisfaction | 15 min

Feel Satisfaction | 15 min

Find that deep sense of satisfaction within, which is innate and self-sustaining, and help it to grow stronger and stronger.

Nourish Your Creativity | 10 min

Nourish Your Creativity | 10 min

Beat creative’s block with some simple exercises to surrender your thoughts and find the pure source of inspiration within.

Feel Creative | 5 min

Feel Creative | 5 min

Jumpstart your creative juices with a quick meditation to silence your mind and tap into spontaneous inspiration.

Feel Creative | 15 min

Feel Creative | 15 min

Wishing you could express yourself more creatively? Discover your innate artistic abilities by nourishing your energy centers.

Feel Fulfilled | 5 min

Feel Fulfilled | 5 min

Take a moment to detach from the world around you and connect with the truest essence of yourself.

Feel Fulfilled | 15 min

Feel Fulfilled | 15 min

Searching for meaning? Look within and discover the deep sense of purpose which comes when you connect with your true self.

Feel Fulfilled | 10 min

Feel Fulfilled | 10 min

Connect to the beauty of your inner and watch all labels, attachments and conditions just drop away.

Your First Meditation

Your First Meditation

To experience the state of meditation, you first need to awaken the nourishing energy which lies deep within you, known as Kundalini.